PROZ - The student association that takes a scientific perspective on the mystical world of psychedelics.
PROZ, short for Psychedelic Research Organization of Zurich, is a community of motivated students exploring the mystical world of psychedelics through a scientific framework. Our aim is to communicate interdisciplinary scientific research on psychedelic substances and to promote dialogue, especially focusing on their possible applications in clinical and psychotherapeutic contexts.
To this end, we organise various events, from panels and panel discussions to Philosophy Nights, where experts and members of the association share and discuss their knowledge. In this way, we promote the scientific education and awareness of our members and offer an entry into the academic world of psychedelic research and its therapeutic application.
In doing so, the association does not advocate the use of psychedelic substances, apart from research and therapy. We merely wish to participate in a reasonable, objective and level-headed manner in discussions and debates about the place and status of these substances in our society.